Executive Recruitment

Executive Recruitment Agency

Tailored Executive Recruitment

Our executive recruitment services are tailored to each individual role, enabling you to secure the talent you have been looking for at a faster pace.

  • Tailored Executive Recruitment with agile processes
  • Reliable excellence for over 20 years
  • Leading the way in hiring diverse talent
Contact us now to begin shortlisting.

Executive recruitment that is as unique as the talent you are seeking to secure.

Unique amongst executive recruitment agencies

Tailored search solutions

Recruit executives with our tailored search solutions.

Practicus’s tailored, transparent and insightful approach sets us apart in the executive search industry, fostering genuine connections and delivering exceptional leadership solutions.

Tailored Executive Recruitment

Clear communication

Practicus’s executive recruitment is renowned for honesty and transparency, consistently earning praise from clients and candidates. They challenge the status quo and identify candidates who meet all stakeholders’ needs and address broader business challenges.

Agile Search & Rich data

We operate with agility and a deep understanding of personal and professional motivations. We use data and insight at every step of the process to better tailor the search and gain a deeper understanding of candidates and their fit with your needs.

Agile Search & Rich Data

Humanised recruitment

Feedback consistently highlights our ability to humanise the executive recruitment process. In an industry often criticised for jargon and superficiality, many clients appreciate our straightforward, credible and grounded approach. 

First choice in Executive Recruitment Agencies UK

Why we are Trusted

Practicus has been supporting organisations like yours with exceptional executive recruitment for over two decades. We deliver experienced, diverse and proven leaders, ensuring you feel confident in your choice throughout the process. Our long-established practice is staffed with experienced headhunters, coupled with a proven track record of placing highly effective top-level executives. Our depth of experience and breadth of connections positions us ideally to meet your specific executive leadership needs.

Moreover, we understand the importance of empathy and discretion in dealing with sensitive and confidential situations. Our team is adept at navigating complex dynamics with care and professionalism, ensuring that all interactions are handled with the utmost respect and confidentiality. At Practicus, we are committed to not only finding the right leaders for your organisation but also to supporting you with the sensitivity and understanding that such critical decisions require.


We are not just committed to providing diverse leadership talent. We are actually delivering it!

The results of multiple surveys show that we are leading the industry for candidate diversity – ensuring you have the pick of the very best available talent, gain new perspectives and improve representation in the board room.

Find out more: Practicus candidate diversity

Key findings of Practicus candidate placement diversity

Start your executive recruitment today

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michael gater image

Michael Gater

Head of Delivery

Michael heads up our Executive Recruitment practice. His job title is Head of Delivery because that is exactly what he and his team do for our clients…. deliver. 

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