Advisory Services

Advisory Services

Connecting you with the advice of people who have already been through what you are dealing with

Our advisory services connect you with the advice of our advisory community. People who have already been through what you are dealing with. We provide confidential, bespoke and practical support – free of charge – from those with first-hand experience of your challenge.

Free of charge

You will gain the kind of advice money cannot buy because it is freely given by a community of people who are committed to the exchange of ideas, experience and hindsight for mutual benefit

Independent and impartial

You can be assured that the advice you gain is free of any agenda because community members share advice on the basis of reciprocity in kind


You can speak freely because of our track record for sensitivity and culture of discretion.

Bespoke to your particular challenge

You will gain advice that is relevant to you, your situation and your organisation – not general consulting book plays and old slideware

Practical advice you can actually use and action

You will speak to people who owned the challenge and had to act, not just advise


You can gain insight from other industries that are ahead of the curve with the same or similar challenges

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How it works

In 80% of cases, it simply a matter of putting you in touch with the right person from our advisory community and it works like this:


Share your challenge with us confidentially and we’ll help refine a problem statement with you.


We’ll share with you who’s available to speak and connect you with an Advisor in the Community.


You get independent, practical and confidential support from someone who’s been there and done it.

However, in some situations, a bigger solution is needed and we use other approaches:


For when consensus and a multiplicity of views are needed to solve your challenge

ATC report cover


For when a group discussion of handpicked community advisors is needed to work on your problem – sharing ideas and knowledge to give you better options

Working group on delivering more integrated care within the NHS


For when you’re challenge is faced not just by you but others too – a community event to tackle a common foe

Which is BI tool is best? We put it to the advisory community to decide in a live community event and contest


For when it is best that your colleagues and stakeholders are involved in creating the solution – mixing our community advisors with your colleagues to create a solution unique to your business 


Practicus Workshop 

get in touch

If you have an opportunity or challenge you would like to ask the community about, please get in touch

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picture of sam hawkins, practicus

Sam Hawkins
