
nhs embed collaboration

December 17, 2019

Embed Collaboration

It would be to ensure collaboration and cooperation are embedded into every aspect of the NHS. I have seen first-hand, the power that collaboration has in delivering sustainable high quality services.

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nhs simplify before adding

December 16, 2019

Simplify Before Adding

It would be that out-of-hospital services, provided by a combination of acute hospitals, community health & social care organisations and the voluntary sector, are frequently disconnected.

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art of the possible nhs

December 11, 2019

Art of the Possible

Whenever I support an organisation with the development of their savings programme…

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the best hr system for 1000 employees

December 9, 2019

The best HR system for 1,000 employees?

Recently, one of our clients came to us with a question. They wanted to know what would be the best HR system for their organisation. From talking to vendors, they […]

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nhs aligning incentives

December 9, 2019

Aligning Incentives

I would change the financial incentives so that all organisations are rewarded for the achievement of patient-determined outcomes….

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nhs dynamic usage

December 4, 2019

Dynamic Usage

The amount of NHS footprint that goes unused on a routine basis borders on the criminal and needs to change…

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nhs demand management

December 3, 2019

Demand Management

We’ve been talking about integrating health and social care for many years now – and yet evidence of meaningful progress is rarely seen.

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practicus digital innovation

November 21, 2019

Delivering the real efficiencies of digital innovation

The benefits of digital as a channel to customers are well established. What often proves more elusive for large organisations are the substantial cost savings digital thinking promises. We talk […]

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nhs money is not the answer

November 20, 2019

Money is not the answer

The obvious ‘one thing’ that most would choose would be more money! But I am convinced that would not be the solution and would actually compound the already lopsided current system.

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nhs curing prevention

October 11, 2019

Curing Prevention

I’d restore ‘Prevention of ill-health’ as a key priority for the NHS. One of the less controversial aspects of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 reforms at the time, was the transfer of public health commissioning from the NHS to local authorities.

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